Wednesday 22 June 2016

Misuse Mobile Applications

Hey guys! This is our group video. Please do watch it and give it a big thumbs up!!


The need for privacy policies in mobile apps

It is an easy task for the app developer to create a new mobile application during this technology advanced era but is that every apps safe for the user’s privacy? It is important for app developers to know the imperative laws before create an app because it concern to user’s privacy. When the user’s personal information had used by the third parties it can be a serious issue and illegal problem for the app developers and can be sued by the user. So the app developer must set the privacy policy into their apps which informs user about the precise purpose, who will have the data, categories of personal data the app wants to collect and the user’s rights. (Iubenda, n.d)

Read more: Click Here

By: Low Joong Lok

Application Privacy

Mobile application became a trend for online business to connect with their customers and promote their products. Although it brings benefit to the business and customer but it also create a privacy issue. Some of the business shares the customer’s information to the third parties without customer permission and this action against the company privacy policies. Therefore, the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) which the independent agency of the United States government proposing significant improvements in the way businesses handle consumer information and changes in the controls consumers should have over their information. The business must follow the 3 top-level maxims: Privacy by design, Simplifying consumer choice and Increasing consumer transparency. So the customer’s information will be more safety after the business has a rigorous policy. (AppPrivacy, n.d)

Read more: Click Here

By: Low Joong Lok

Domestic Abuse goes Digital

Some companies make use of mobile application to gain profit even if it involves immoral behavior from the users. In the article, domestic abusers are able to track down their spouses and spy on their daily activities. This endangers the victims’ lives because every move made is being monitored by their abuser. The victims will not be able to ask for help and be confined by their abusers. The law enforcement were able to stop this particular application. However, this application is just 1 out of 100Billion according to the statistics(The Statistics Portal, 2015). The companies should not earn profit by making other people’s lives suffer.

The Statistics Portal. (2015). Statistics and facts about mobile app usage. [online] Available at: [Accessed 17 Jun. 2016].

By: Low Joong Lok

Tuesday 21 June 2016

Watch out: Cell phones can be addictive

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Teenagers nowadays are addicted to mobile application as there are many interesting apps to be explored. This had results in dominated teenager’s daily life activity by interrupting their sleep, work and study. Certain people use smartphones to lift their moods. For such people, losing a phone or having its battery die could cause anxiety or panic. To ensure mobile app do not become an addiction, Parents can enforce a house rule that allows access cell phone only during certain times of the day. (Family Bootcamp, 2016)

Reference: Family Bootcamp. (2016). Teen Cell Phone Addiction. [online] Available at: [Accessed 22 Jun. 2016].

Read More:Click Here

By: Loo Su Fia

App makers: It’s time to stop exploiting user addiction and get ethical

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In today world of new technology advancement, mobile device users increase dramatically. Developers build mobile app and create users addiction intentionally in order to create more profit. This had raise the number of “Mobile Addict “as certain apps especially social apps give us hits of dopamine. Excessive used of these app will exhibit brain damage and cause users to mental, physical, and social harm.  Developers should be ethical and protect user’s mental health and well-being by notifying users who uses app excessively with usage report to create self-awareness. Additionally, they can include self-regulation tools which limit user’s time in accessing mobile applications.

Read More:Click Here

By: Loo Su Fia

Smartphone Addiction: Managing your phone usage time

Smartphone addiction is a serious issue since the wide use of mobile application. According to study, 70% of people will check their phone within the moment they wake up everyday. This is a bad habit as it leads to lack of communication with family and friends when users just focus on checking their phone every 15 minutes even in the workplace. There are 3 ways to learn how to manage your smartphone such as be conscious of what feelings that make you want to check your phone and try to find other way to divide your attention, be strong when the phone rings, try to avoid this temptation by putting silent and be disciplined .

Read More: Click Here

By: Loo Su Fia